Up Close With “Ibile Oshaa” (Full Gist)
Prenkoloaded had an interview with one of the Hottest Prospect in Nigeria Music Industry “Ibile Oshaa“
You all would get to know indepth about “Ibile Oshaa” as you read along…
- Can you tell us about yourself in brief ?
Yeah my name is Yusuf Hussaini popular know as (ibile oshaa) am a Yoruba afro pop Artist,and big shout out to prenkoloaded for the exclusive interview and most especially to all my fans out side ,I appreciate your support and I love u guys 💛💛💛💛..
- What first got you into music?
I was 10 years old when I discover music is in me , Cox I will just be freestyling for no reason, and den I don’t have the mind or courage to face mic then Cox am a shy boy then…so I push up with phone sound record.
- Who inspired you to make music?
my friends inspired me and I also inspired my self Cox I keep listening to a lot of meaningful songs and that inspired me to start making music to boost my self up..
- How would you describe the music that you typically create?
Rhythm. Rhythm is essential for musical feel. …
Tempo. Tempo is easy to comprehend because it is measurable.
- What is your creative process like?
I will speak to my own experience.
It’s incredibly hard to do non-music stuff during the day, then sit down and try to put yourself in songwriting mode. There are many elements of composition that are cerebral (harmonizing, chord voicing, etc), but writing melodies is definitely not one of them. Melodies (i.e. tunes) are hard to “rationalize” into being with effort, logic, computation, or any other outwardly conscious function.
- Who would you most like to collaborate with?
kizz Daniel
- If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
For does artist that are higher than me and to those good incoming artist..
- What is one message you would give to your fans?
You’re all my motivation; you are what drives me to grind each and every day because I don’t want to let any of you down. I want all of you to be proud of me. In closing, I want to thank all of you again for being the best fans possible.
- What is the most useless talent you have?
- Do you sing in the shower for inspiration? What songs?
Yes — I got some of my –Duro– lyrics in shower..
- What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
- Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
Uk bello minna and Abdulsalam youth center minna,.
No I don’t have any upcoming shows..
- How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
To my own understand,In short, the Internet has changed the music industry in both positive and negative ways. … the Internet has made it more difficult for artists to make a decent amount of money from music sales.
- What is your favourite song to perform?
Mama mi — because is a song I did for my mum so I perform the song first before any other song..
- Which famous musicians do you admire?
Dammie vee/Dotman.
- What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
_ _ _ _ _
- What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Focus on what u know u are good in and never give up on it , Chase your dream and make sure u accomplish it💪
- If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
Ever heard a song on the radio and thought “what the hell is this!?”, only to find yourself singing it a week later? I know I have, and there’s a good reason for it- they play stupid songs on the radio all day long until we give up and give into them.
- What’s your inspiration behind Your new project “Duro“
In this sense, inspiration is a sense of motivation (a desire to write) coupled with an innate ability to assemble music purely from my imagination..
- Can u live without music?
Life without music would be as boring as a T.V. that only shows one color or a house that has only one room.
Music is life🌟🌟
- What Challenge have you had so far in the Music Industry?
Canceled Show. …
*Low Funds. …
* calling 2 come perform for free
*Calling you 2 come perform after the shows is almost finish..
E.t.c .😢
- The Journey So Far ?
I was 10 years old when I start Music ,I started with Yoruba rap then,
my first song tittle was (omo ibile) i downloaded one of dagrin beat and recorded the song #800 then, but It wasn’t being easy for me then when am still a rapper …but still I keep pushing..
then I decided to switch from rapper to singer, it take me years because I have to quit rapping for years and I keep listening to reasonable songs , so I recorded one song around 2014 people who hear the song like it but am not satisfied with the song, so I still keep moving I keep rising keep listening to good music until I recorded song featuring one of the mix top artist, the song was a hit and that is the song many people recognize me with in mix..
- What’s next for you?
Just want to feature a big artist on my next track..
- Shout Outs!!!
Big shout out to (BADMAN)my producer and (Ojcent) my boss…the both of them make my song a hit..and I really appreciate them.. that how I became Yoruba afro pop Singer..
And to Prenkoloaded for granting me this interview. Big thanks to you sir.
Big Thanks to all our Followers and Readers, Pls keep supporting the Brand Prenkoloaded Online Interview
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