Session With The Focus Dance Beat Originator – Ajimovoix
Can we meet you?
My name is Oguntade Adewale Damola a.k.a the focus beat originator,
Erhm….I’m from Ogun state, Odogbolu local government to be precise. I’m the 6th child out of 9 children. I was born and brought up in Ikorodu.
How did music start for you?
Music is not a new thing in my family, my family has been a musical family right from time, growing up and getting to understand this about my family, I can boldly say this. My mom used to be a very good singer back in the day before she passed & erhmm, all my sisters save one can also sing, good singing not mimicry singing, like they can do good music on their own. But I like to think I’m the person that’s taking this music stuff to another level.
Music has not been really easy though, it has not been easy and I have been on the field for a long time, but I thank God today I can celebrate myself and have others celebrate me as well.
How has the journey been so far and what did it feel like to eventually produce a song that is this viral?
Music has not been fair. Generally, music has not been fair oh,
I encouraged myself most times, I will just be like, if I don’t encourage myself how will my dreams come to fruition ?, how will my dreams come to pass and all those while, even when things were very rough, I’d keep on encouraging myself, nobody to encourage me, everyone in the sphere practically sees you as a competition, so I just had to beat that first, so now I’m very very glad I did that, I made a trending sound that alot of folks around the world are vibing to and this has made me so so happy and it absolutely gives me alot of joy, I can’t express how much I really feel about all this.
Did you know it was going to be this big while producing it?
Yes, let me just say yes, like, I would give it a 50/50 chance, because then the first three compliments I had from the beat were so fantastic. I had one from a blogger friend of mine, I had the second one from a graphics designer, see how those things connect to each other…. and the third one I had was from a big artist in the game, that is Lil kesh, so they were the first people to compliment me on the beat before other people started complimenting. These are the three people that gave me that compliment from the beginning and it made me believe it was gonna be hot, gonna be a big deal in due time but I couldn’t say this at that time though, just the feeling I had…
What’s your creative process like?
The fact there is, I’ve learnt to understand my vibe, I’ve learnt to understand my flow, like once I’m in the mood to work, I don’t really plan it, it’s not what I really run towards or what I just try to force out, no…It’s just a process, one where when i’m on the system, the flows just come, I’m not the type that have to put something in his head..well, not every time though cos sometimes i do but I don’t put things in my head before working, it just happens normally, that’s just it.
What inspires you?
My major source of inspiration are my parents, I just feel this need to make them proud. I just have to continue from where they stopped, go beyond them as well…
Who are your role models?
My role models are Sarz, Masterkraft, like the Nigerian scene really gives me alot of vibes though… I think I really look up to these two people, also Dr. Dre and there’s a sound engineer, Leslie, these are the people I really look up to.
What has been the change from before this song went viral and now?
Yes, there have been alot of changes, unlike before. I have never been offered an endorsement deal before, so when focus beat came, I think focus beat is my starting point of success actually, let me just say that and then, there have been so much great changes like financially, relationship-wise and other stuffs as well as changes in my contact list, an upgrade if you will, it has made contacting the big dogs in the industry easy for me as well.
Here comes the juicy part (winks)
Are you in a relationship?
Let me just say…erhmm, I would say I prefer to keep that secret to myself…. I no want wahala oh….lol
What does the future holds for Ajimovoix i.e what’s your projection musically?
I think I have paved the way already for the upcoming producers, made them believe they can make sounds, they can have their name with or without clinging to an artiste, so expect great things, expect good stuffs from me, we ain’t coming down no more, to the top, we’ve started and we are going to achieve our dreams.
If you were to work with any artist right now, who would it be, don’t think just answer?
Erhm… Working with somebody new right now? , that certaunly would be Patoranking, as in if possible, I wish to have him on focus, yeah !, the official track of the song, yeah.
I think it’s Patoranking or Burna boy… Crowd don too much for David & Wizzy back but I will still work with David las las oh.
Say something to your fans
What I will say is a very big thank you to them, erhm… I’m very grateful, I remain grateful and I will keep remaining grateful to them because without them, focus sound would not be as big as it is and I’m still thanking them in advance because I have more in store to drop, really grateful!.