Prenkoloaded had an interview with one the Hottest Music Producer around Micky Gee .
You all would get to know indepth about The Brain Behind Micky Gee as you read along…
- Can you tell us about yourself in brief ?
My names are Otukoya Michael oluwadamilare populary know as “Mickygee“
- What first got you into music Productions?
I was an instrumentalists so I always wish to create sound people can play any day anytime in there various places
- Who inspired you to music Production?
The person who inspired me into music production his name is Tito Gomez
- How would you describe the music that you typically create?
The music I typically create is kind of Afro and Highlife
- What is your creative process like?
My creative process is always me creating something you have listen to before and mix it up with a new vibes
- Who would you most like to collaborate with or make Productions for?
I will love to work with likes of davido,Wizkid,and other big stars
- If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
I can open show for davido lol 😀
- What is one message you would give to your fans?
One message to my fans is to never give up
- What is the most useless talent you have? 😜
The most useless talent I have is disk jockey dj lol 😀
- Do you sing in the shower for inspiration? What songs?
I do sing well in d shower and even make finish beat there also lol 😀
- What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music production career?
I will have been an instrumentalists or dj
- Where Weird Place have you Made Productions?What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
The wired place have made music production is in an hotel room very small and my favorite place is my room lol 😀 yeah I do have shows I do organized in December will give details soon
- How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music production business?
The internet is really trying alot cause everyone can now show case there talent anywhere anytime
- What is your favourite song to Vibe With?
My favorite songs I vibes with is Burna boy songs
- Which famous musicians do you admire?
I admire Davido
- What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
The most trouble have ever gotten into is misplacing a client data
- What is the best advice you’ve been given?
The best advice have been given so far is to hunt your goal
- If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
If I will change things is the industry will be our relationship with each other both upcoming and super stars
- What’s your inspiration behind Your Productions?
Inspiration behind my productions is my piano that like my wife lol 😀
- What Challenge have you had so far in the Music Industry?
My challenge in the industry is working for Majek fashek was not easy tho
- The Journey So Far ?
The journey so far has not been easy thanks to those who stood by me and trust me,I will love to thank my very good friend timileyin and one of my uncle kayode they all make it happen
My first studio fee then was #500..My hustle was going to gigs like weddings, birthday and so on to play live music
- What’s next for you?
What next for me is for you all to listen to my productions anywhere anytime..
- Shout Outs!!!
Shout out to my fans and appreciation to Prenkoloaded for this exclusive interview.
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