My Bum Gets Me The Most Attention – Oluwatosin Shokoya
The fond memories I have about my childhood are of my mother. She is a very loving and caring mother that can sacrifice all she has to take care of her children. My dad is amazing as well. I grew up with my parents and had good parental care with my siblings. I am a Muslim and my parents made us understand the importance of loving and serving God.
One of my most memorable childhood memories was when a boy tried to hit my sister on the street. I moved so fast and stood between them to calm the situation. I wasn’t scared at all. The area I grew up in made me bold and gave me the confidence to be able to express myself.
I attended several elementary schools but finished at Nawarudeen Primary School, Obalende, Lagos. My secondary school education was at Ireti Grammar School, South West Ikoyi, also in Lagos.
I then went on to study Marketing at the Lagos State Polytechnic.
I decided to be an actress in order to use movies as a medium to impact the society. I see acting as a tool to create positive change in the society.
I have always had a deep passion for acting since I was a child. I loved watching actors expressing their passion on television. However, I kept it to myself because I didn’t want anyone to dampen my passion and zeal for it and because of the challenges involved.
Parent’s reaction
My parents didn’t support my acting career initially. You know the impression and perception that most Nigerian parents have about this profession. They believe actresses are seen as prostitutes and illiterates. Sadly, they don’t focus on the success stories and achievements of actors in Nollywood.
I have learnt several lessons on the job that I won’t forget in a hurry. I believe that learning is a never ending process. One should keep learning as long as one has the hunger for growth .One of the lessons I learnt on the job is that of human relations. I have learnt to deal with different people from different walks of life with different behaviors. I have also learnt to control myself whenever I am angry.
When I started out, I had different crazy experiences. I recall that between 2010 and 2011, I approached a top actor in the industry and told him about my passion for acting. He simply said he would have sex with me. I lost interest in acting as a result of what he said back then. However, when I relocated to the United States of America, I realised that my talent would make a way for me without unnecessary sexual requests. In Nigeria, one would have to work hard, make money and produce one’s movie. That was how I raised funds for my new movie.
My bum gets me the most attention
I have set a standard for myself. I look out for a man who has a good manner of approach. Someone who smells good catches my fancy. He also has to be clean, calm, intelligent, have an athletic body and be God-fearing.
I really don’t focus on the lucrativeness of acting. That doesn’t drive me, though we all know money is important. I focus more on the doors the job can open for me. I do it for the passion, because I love the job. I don’t wait for money in order to stay dedicated to it. I know things will get better as time goes on.
The only limit I have is that I cannot act nude.
I used to feel embarrassed whenever fans complimented me on my bum in the process of taking pictures with me. It used to get me angry. However, these days, I have learnt to enjoy the compliments and bask in the euphoria.
I am scared of losing my parents. I want them to be alive to witness my success and see me flourish in life.
What most people don’t know about me is that I have a good relationship with God. I don’t joke with my spiritual life.
Sexual harassment
No, I haven’t been sexually harassed in the course of doing my job. It is not even tolerated in the US. Anyone who tries it with me would end up in jail.
In my own view, a sexy woman is a damsel that can take of her body by working out. A sexy lady also pays attention to her personal hygiene and dresses well. No matter how beautiful you are, if you are not clean, no man will take you serious. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. These factors are very important to me.
I cannot go for cosmetic surgery; though I don’t blame people who engage in it. I believe I can go to the gym four to five times in a week to have the kind of body I want.
I won’t go nude in the name of fashion, regardless of what the society does or what civilisation finds acceptable.
Comfort does it for me. I love to be comfortable in whatever I put on. I don’t believe in dressing to impress. I believe in wearing what makes me look good and comfortable